Our first artist co-lab: Presenting Birgitte Vad
We are so thrilled that our first curated collection will be by Danish artist Birgitte Vad
Birgitte Vad graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts' School of Design in 2009. Birgitte Vad paints people and especially the female body. The figures are painted expressively with characteristic wide and spontaneous contour lines and are as if created by an instant inspiration. The sketchy line does not compromise on the expression, but conveys with a playful ease a distinctive look in each individual portrait. The qualities and composition of the colors, is a central vantage point for Birgitte Vad. Each painting is a combination of strong colors and a exploration of their relationship. The deep interest in colors and the female body stems from her background in the fashion industry, where exactly these two parameters form the basis of the fashion profession. In March 2020, Vad painted two portraits of H. M. Queen Margrethe II in connection to her 80th birthday, one of which has been requisitioned by the Royal House.